Resiliency is a necessary thing to do discuss when it comes to mobile & network calls. Cell signals can drop, wifi can be spotty, and servers can be down.
The Resilience
middleware is designed to help you handle these situations. Shiny Mediator provides easy middleware to the actual
workhorse in this equation - Microsoft.Extension.Resilience. This library provides a number of resiliency patterns such as Circuit Breakers, Retry Policies, and more.
For more documentation on the Microsoft.Extension.Resilience
library, please see the official documentation
Install the
package from NuGet -
Add the resilience middleware to your mediator setup
services.AddShinyMediator(cfg =>{cfg.AddResiliencyMiddleware(("test", builder =>{builder.AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions());builder.AddTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0));}));}); -
With any request handler that provides a result, you can now add the following attribute
public class MyRequestHandler : IRequestHandler<MyResponse, MyResponse>{[Resilient("test")]public async Task<MyResponse> Handle(MyResponse request, MediatorContext context, CancellationToken cancelToken){// do your work herevar result = await SomeNetworkCallThatTakesForever(cancelToken);return result;}}
That’s it! Your request handler is now resilient!
We recommend configuring cache through Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. Read Configuration for more information.
With the below configuration, you will also not need to configure resilience in your startup code.
{ "Mediator": { "Resilience": { "My.Namespace.MyHandler": { "TimeoutMilliseconds": 5000, "Retry": { "MaxAttempts": 3, "UseJitter": true, "DelayMilliseconds": 3000, "BackoffType": "Constant" } } } }}