Providers are designed to be small layers that run ON TOP of all the native cruft of implementing push. Underneath the hood, Android runs Firebase and iOS runs Apple push. There is no way around this. All 3rd party push mechanisms build on top of this model.
We have a couple of simple providers out of the box
You may ask yourself, why firebase since it is built into Android. You would be correct. This provider is mainly to bring Firebase to iOS so you can use the firebase cloud messaging backend to send push notifications through.
Azure Notification Hubs
Our Azure Notification Hubs provider is a “base model”. We don’t support some of the cool features like templates or multiple connectionstrings. We don’t do this because we can’t assume how any user will manage these. If they change connection strings, where those connectionstrings come into play, etc. Please read below on creating your own custom provider
Creating Your Own Custom Provider
First - install into your project or wherever you are creating your push provider
This is an example push provider
During your service host building (ie. MauiProgram.cs), do the following:
Your MyCustomPushProvider will have access to all of the same dependency injection as every other service. You can call into it however you want, BUT - to start all of the push notification registration, still use the same Shiny.Push.IPushManager Register/UnRegister calls just as before.
Shiny will call into your provider as native push tokens change, a new registration is being requested, or unregister is being called.