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Creating a Job

Create your job

The first thing you’ll want to do is create your job by implementing the Shiny.Jobs.IJob interface.

using Shiny.Jobs;
namespace YourNamespace;
// first define your job
public class YourJob : IJob
public async Task Run(JobInfo jobInfo, CancellationToken cancelToken)
for (var i = 0; i < loops; i++)
if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
await Task.Delay(1000, cancelToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

Next, we need to define our job run parameters by defining a JobInfo. The job info allows you to pass in a dictionary of parameters to use within your job.

var job = new JobInfo
Name = "YourJobName",
Type = typeof(YourJob),
// these are criteria that must be met in order for your job to run
BatteryNotLow = true,
DeviceCharging = false,
RunInForeground = true,
NetworkType = NetworkType.Any,
Repeat = true; //defaults to true, set to false to run once OR set it inside a job to cancel further execution

Lastly, we need to register our job. There are two ways to do this

Through the shiny startup process (recommended)


OR Dynamically in your code - in order to do this, you still have to register the job manager in your startup

IJobManager manager; // inject
// lastly, schedule it to go - don't worry about scheduling something more than once, we just update if your job name matches an existing one

Stateful Jobs

Jobs are stateful. Please take a look at Stateful Services

Foreground Jobs

Foreground jobs aren’t really anything special. When your app comes to the foreground, we simply start a timer that schedules a job to run every X seconds. To have your job run on a timer in the foreground: